Nevada Gives Away $4,000
Nevada Petroleum Marketers & C-Store Association and the WPMA Scholarship Foundation are proud to announce their Four Thousand Dollar scholarship that will be awarded to a Nevada high school senior in May, 2019. Please promote this scholarship to an eligible son or daughter from your company. But, the student must apply to be considered! Associate members may also participate in the WPMA Associate-at-large scholarship.
Applications are due March 1st, 2019! Applications are available on the WPMA website. Please go to for an application form.
Since we are Nevadans, many of us like to look at the odds - whether at the tables, sports books or this scholarship. In the past, typically only one or two students from Nevada have applied each year. Talk about odds: 1 out of 2 are the best odds in Nevada! Promotional materials for your employees are available from WPMA at the same website listed above or call 801-263-9762.
Nevada hosted a tank upgrade webinar in September. More than 160 members and other UST owners and managers joined the association-sponsored event hosted by the Nevada Division of Environmental Protection. Feedback was very positive, and the webinar was a great public service, earning NPM&CSA a great deal of statewide visibility.
NPM&CSA in partnership with NACS hosted a fraud and skimming workshop at the NACS show in Las Vegas in early October. In attendance were legislators, law enforcement (including the US Secret Service), the Nevada Department of Agriculture, C-store members, Connexus and NACS staff.
Las Vegas is a ‘hot bed’ for skimming, according the Las Vegas police, or METRO, as they are known. Retailers are being hit at least three times a week according to METRO and that’s only the ones they know about! If your company does any volume of credit/debit card business it’s a sure bet you have been a target already.
During the workshop METRO highlighted the efforts of our member Terrible Herbst Oil for best practices which have included video upgrades to approximately 1080p HD cameras, elimination of camera-blind spots, and dispenser lock upgrades, according to Matt Osa, VP Operations and Charlie Karagienakos, VP Security. “We are treating credit/debit card fraud and skimming as the crime that it is, and we are doing everything possible to protect our customers and our business,” Matt said.
NPM&CSA is fully engaged with our membership, NACS, Conexxus and Nevada law enforcement to help our members learn what they can do to help reduce the threat and protect themselves and their customers. Although these are non-violent crimes, the financial hardships endured by victims have lasting effects.
To that end, METRO will hold a fraud and skimming workshop on November 7th in Las Vegas. WPMA will also host an educational workshop on fraud and skimming at the WPMAEXPO in February at The Mirage. Discussions will include best practices and other ideas aimed at fighting fraud and skimming. We are engaging the northern Nevada and rural Nevada fraud taskforces to provide our members with contacts and tools to help reduce member and customer exposure to this ugly crime.
In a world where fraud and skimming are becoming more common, you too may be a victim and not even know it!
Additionally, the PMAA/NACS show was pleased to host Jeremy and Ruy Bautista, River City Petroleum; Rob Flippo, On Time Oil; Mark Lytle, Pro Petroleum; Lori and Mark Miller, Rainbow Markets; and Brett Bottenberg, McGinley and Associates.